Sunday, February 3, 2008

Zosima Blood

Zosima has Karamazov blood in the manner that he shares characteristics with the Karamazovs, specifically Dmitry and Alyosha.

Zosima exhibits glaring character similarities to Dmitry. Like Dmitry, Zosima was initially in the military. Dmitry has been described as having an inability to spend his money with respect to brothels and alcohol. Zosima is described in this fashion as well, at least for his time in the military. Additionally, as Dmitry continuously repents and regrets for his sins, Zosima too realizes how poorly he has treated Afansy and the fiancé of the woman he sought relations with. As he bowed to Dmitry earlier in the novel, he bows to the servant he has treated poorly and who should be on equal grounds with him.

Zosima’s transformation into a more pious livelihood is similar to Alyosha’s transformation. Zosima’s surroundings are not of the most peaceful nature, and he too lacks a mother. His quest for the monastery is the result of not just an epiphany but also appears to be an attempt to escape from the general sins of the world. Alyosha seeks the monastery because he wishes to stay away from the sinful lives of his family and those around them. He is concerned about what effect these lives could have on him as is Zosima with respect to his military friends.

Zosima, in the respect that he is not perfect and quite similar to both Alyosha and Zosima, mark him as being quite a Karamazov.

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